Despicable Me 4 is a 2024 American animated comedy film produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination, and distributed by Universal. It serves as the sequel to Despicable Me 3 (2017), the fourth main installment, and the sixth overall installment in the Despicable Me franchise. The film was directed by Chris Renaud, co-directed by Patrick Delage (in his feature directorial debut), produced by Chris Meledandri and Brett Hoffman, and written by Mike White and Ken Daurio. It stars the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Pierre Coffin, Joey King, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan, Sofía Vergara, Stephen Colbert, Renaud, Madison Polan, Dana Gaier, Chloe Fineman, and Will Ferrell. In the film, Gru (Carell) and his family are forced to relocate to a safe house to hide from Maxime Le Mal (Ferrell), an old schoolmate and rival of Gru who seeks revenge with his girlfriend Valentina (Vergara). At the same time, one of the new neighbors, Poppy Prescott (King) is intent on getting Gru to help her to get enrolled to his old school.
Development on a fourth main Despicable Me film began in September 2017. It was officially confirmed in February 2022, with Renaud, Delage, and White attached as director, co-director, and writer, respectively. Production was underway by June 2022. Most of the main voice cast was announced in January 2024, with Hoffman and Daurio revealed as co-producer and co-writer, respectively. Heitor Pereira and Pharrell Williams returned from previous installments to compose the score and write original songs and themes, respectively.
Despicable Me 4 premiered at the Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City on June 9, 2024. It was theatrically released in Australia on June 20 and in the United States on July 3. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $260 million worldwide.
Anti-Villain League (AVL) agent Felonious Gru attends a reunion at his school Lycée Pas Bon where he reunites with his rival Maxime Le Mal, who has a feud with Gru for stealing his talent show act when they were younger. Maxime reveals he has enhanced himself with cockroach parts to make himself overpowered and so he can conquer the world, but Gru has him arrested with the help of the AVL. Maxime escapes prison with the help of his girlfriend Valentina and reveals his invention that turns people into human-roach hybrids, which he plans to use specifically on Gru's biological infant son Felonious Gru Jr.
Silas Ramsbottom visits the Gru household to inform them of Maxime's escape, and the AVL will have to relocate the Gru family to a house in another town named Mayflower under new identities. Most of the Minions are taken in by the AVL, where Silas selects five of them—Dave, Mel, Gus, Tim and Jerry—to be augmented with powers under an initiative called the Megaminions, but the initiative is called off after the group causes collateral damage in a city.
Gru and his family return to their home, where Dr. Nefario reverses Gru Jr.'s transformation. Gru later visits Maxime in prison to talk and settle their differences. The pair then performs "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" at a prison for the prisoners, including all of Gru's past adversaries, while Poppy is shown to have enrolled in Lycée Pas Bon.
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Despicable Me 4 is a 2024 American animated comedy film produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination, and distributed by Universal. It serves as the sequel to Despicable Me 3 (2017), the fourth main installment, and the sixth overall installment in the Despicable Me franchise. The film was directed by Chris Renaud, co-directed by Patrick Delage (in his feature directorial debut), produced by Chris Meledandri and Brett Hoffman, and written by Mike White and Ken Daurio. It stars the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Pierre Coffin, Joey King, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan, Sofía Vergara, Stephen Colbert, Renaud, Madison Polan, Dana Gaier, Chloe Fineman, and Will Ferrell. In the film, Gru (Carell) and his family are forced to relocate to a safe house to hide from Maxime Le Mal (Ferrell), an old schoolmate and rival of Gru who seeks revenge with his girlfriend Valentina (Vergara). At the same time, one of the new neighbors, Poppy Prescott (King) is intent on getting Gru to help her to get enrolled to his old school.
Development on a fourth main Despicable Me film began in September 2017. It was officially confirmed in February 2022, with Renaud, Delage, and White attached as director, co-director, and writer, respectively. Production was underway by June 2022. Most of the main voice cast was announced in January 2024, with Hoffman and Daurio revealed as co-producer and co-writer, respectively. Heitor Pereira and Pharrell Williams returned from previous installments to compose the score and write original songs and themes, respectively.
Despicable Me 4 premiered at the Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City on June 9, 2024. It was theatrically released in Australia on June 20 and in the United States on July 3. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $260 million worldwide.
Anti-Villain League (AVL) agent Felonious Gru attends a reunion at his school Lycée Pas Bon where he reunites with his rival Maxime Le Mal, who has a feud with Gru for stealing his talent show act when they were younger. Maxime reveals he has enhanced himself with cockroach parts to make himself overpowered and so he can conquer the world, but Gru has him arrested with the help of the AVL. Maxime escapes prison with the help of his girlfriend Valentina and reveals his invention that turns people into human-roach hybrids, which he plans to use specifically on Gru's biological infant son Felonious Gru Jr.
Silas Ramsbottom visits the Gru household to inform them of Maxime's escape, and the AVL will have to relocate the Gru family to a house in another town named Mayflower under new identities. Most of the Minions are taken in by the AVL, where Silas selects five of them—Dave, Mel, Gus, Tim and Jerry—to be augmented with powers under an initiative called the Megaminions, but the initiative is called off after the group causes collateral damage in a city.
Gru and his family return to their home, where Dr. Nefario reverses Gru Jr.'s transformation. Gru later visits Maxime in prison to talk and settle their differences. The pair then performs "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" at a prison for the prisoners, including all of Gru's past adversaries, while Poppy is shown to have enrolled in Lycée Pas Bon.